Favorite diet - menu for 7 days

In the process of losing weight, it is best to use proven methods. Favorite diet has become popular among women.

Slim figure after losing weight on your favorite diet

Essence and principle of work

The "favorite" diet is a combination of different fasting days. Its principle is as follows:

  • Meals should be varied, that is, you can eat only one type of food every day;
  • food should be strictly limited. This is one of the most difficult diets, but the result is justified;
  • Eating is often needed, but in small amounts. For example, you can eat a 200-gram serving every three hours;
  • The number of meals per day should be 5-6 times.

After seven days, the stomach will shrink and you will need less food to saturate it.

Basic Rules

  • Eating during the diet is allowed only strictly according to the diet;
  • It is allowed to drink clean water, mineral water without gas, herbal tea in any quantity;
  • On drinking days, you can not drink juices and any other sugary liquids;
  • During the diet period, salads of fruits and vegetables are allowed. In no case should you fill them with sauce, sour cream or mayonnaise. You can limit yourself to only one tablespoon of oil;
  • It is not recommended to sweeten dishes and add salt;
  • You cannot take alcoholic beverages.
Eating Vegetable Salad on Your Favorite Diet

During the diet period, salads of fruits and vegetables are allowed.

schedule of days

Preferred diet is a sequence of vegetable, fruit, drink and protein days in a certain order. Each of them has its own characteristics.


On this day, it is allowed to take exclusively drinking food, and this can be done in unlimited quantities. This list includes purified water, freshly squeezed vegetable juices (pumpkin, beet, carrot), mineral water, herbal tea. , compotes are included.

If it seems that the liquid is sweet or saturated, you can dilute it in half with water. You can also use kefir or natural yogurt. Drinking a day is very beneficial for the body, it removes excess toxins and toxins. Removes toxins, and helps in losing weight. Such days can be arranged once a week for prevention outside the diet.

water for your favorite diet

Drinking a day is very beneficial for the body, it removes excess toxins and toxins, and helps to lose weight.


On this day you can eat only vegetable friends. And you can eat them in absolutely any form: raw, boiled or baked. You can not fry foods, during cooking, salt and variousAdd spices. Women argue that it is best to eat cabbage (broccoli, cauliflower, white cabbage). This vegetable will cleanse the body, fill it with vitamins and rejuvenate. It is forbidden to eat corn or potatoes on this day.

Vegetable salad for your favorite diet


On this day, it is better to eat foods that promote fat burning - these are pineapples and grapes. It is also allowed to eat apples, pears, oranges, peaches, apricots, cherries, plums and cherries. There are also some restrictions. fruitsYou can't eat grapes and bananas on the day.

Fruit salad for your favorite diet


Protein day allows you to support a weakened body during a diet "in good shape". Many women neglect this day, believing that eating such a hearty meal can lead to weight gain. It is a mistake to think soThis is because the body will spend more energy processing protein than it absorbs.

You can eat fish, but only boiled and chicken without skin and bones. This useful substance also contains beans, peas, lentils, seafood or egg whites. Salt is not recommended. If you eat itWant to give a flavor, you can do it with the help of greens or lemon juice.

In addition to the main days, at the end of the diet there is also a mixed day. The essence of this is that the body should be taught to gradually accustom the body to the normal diet. On this day you can eat vegetables, fruits and proteins. As much asBe sure to drink as much clean water as possible.

Protein foods for your favorite diet

Preferred diet is a sequence of vegetable, fruit, drink and protein days in a certain order.

Sample menu for 7 days

The entire "favorite" diet, designed for seven days, may look like this:

  1. The first day of drinking. For breakfast, you can drink a glass of green tea, for lunch, eat a small portion of chicken broth, for dinner, drink a glass of kefir. If weaknessIf you can feel it, you can drink a glass of milk in the evening;
  2. The second day is vegetable. Breakfast - a light salad of cucumbers and tomatoes, lunch - a salad of carrots and beets, dinner - vegetable puree soup;
  3. 3rd day - drink (same as the first day);
  4. The fourth day is fruit. Breakfast - a glass of juice or an orange, lunch - low-fat fruit yogurt, dinner - freshly squeezed juice and a baked apple;
  5. The fifth day is protein. Breakfast - two eggs, lunch - boiled shrimp, dinner - boiled chicken;
  6. the sixth day - drink;
  7. The seventh day is mixed. Breakfast - milk porridge, lunch - vegetable soup, dinner - boiled fish.
Fruits and berries for your favorite diet

go off diet

Diet "Favorite" is quite a strict diet. In order to prevent the lost weight from coming back again, you need to get out of it correctly:

  • You can not jump on food after seven days. The calorie content of dishes and the amount of servings should be increased gradually;
  • The first day after the diet should look the same as the seventh day of the diet;
  • It is recommended to eat low-calorie foods for the next month to consolidate the result in the end.

If everything was done correctly, the weight would not only come back, but we would keep on falling.

how many kilos can you lose

Nutritionists have calculated that with such a diet you can lose 7-10 kg in a week. In practice, only those women who had more than 20 extra pounds could achieve such results. Slightly moreUnderweight girls were able to lose 3-5 kilograms.

Weight gain during your favorite diet


The following categories of people cannot be on the "beloved" diet:

  • pregnant women;
  • lactating mothers;
  • people with impaired functioning of the kidneys and stomach;
  • people who have metabolic disorders;
  • People diagnosed with heart disease, liver and blood vessels.

Such a strict diet can lead to unpleasant consequences.

girl eats vegetables on her favorite diet

advantages and disadvantages

the gain:

  • You can lose weight quickly;
  • the body is saturated with vitamins;
  • There is no need for complicated food preparation;
  • Diet is simple, it is hard not to understand it;
  • No need to count calories.

Disadvantages: Difficult to tolerate.